Monday, March 16, 2009

Chocolate chip cookies anyone?

Who could resist a warm chocolate chip cookie fresh from the oven? That's the best time to eat them, in my opinion. With a cold glass of milk. The boss however, likes them after they've sat for a day. And since he whined repeatedly about bringing him cookies - I broke down and baked a batch. Or two. He is kinda sweet in his crabby way - and he's addicted to chocolate chip cookies apparently. Had to bake plenty so that everyone at home got some, and everyone else at work got some....and the boss got his own container (as he knows he will!). And I even shared some with a new Twitter friend from Lancaster Newspapers who stopped by to pick hers up. I do enjoy baking - and it's nice to have some place to share the goodies. I'm sure we don't need to eat all these calories ourselves!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Went out to run errands and decided to have dinner out at Friendly's. Not a bad little place to eat - and of course, the ice cream is always good. Embarrassed my daughter by shooting my straw paper at her. What fun - she actually leaned to the side right about the time I took aim and blew the straw paper - shot it right past her onto the next table - HA! Good thing only the waitress was over there cleaning the table off. Life's too short to act like an adult, right? Mom was a blast - she kept waving and making faces at a toddler two tables away. I'm sure his parents would have preferred that he actually sit and eat his dinner. Couldn't convince Mom to sit there and quit distracting him either. Taking an 86 year old woman with Alzheimer's out is certainly an experience and a challenge.