Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Baby Mama

Well, I'm a mom again it seems. Sort of. One of these goofy wild cats decided to abandon her baby kitten on my doorstep. She comes back once in a while but refuses to have anything to do with the little thing. I just didn't have the heart to leave it out there to die, mewing loudly as it was, and wandering blindly around. So I brought it in and made it a nice little nest in a cat carrier. Then I went online and scrounged up what information I could find on taking care of a tiny kitten. This one must not have been more than a day or two old. Went out and bought a bottle and kitten formula. Now keep in mind, this is a lot like having an infant again - bottle feedings every couple hours or so, cleaning it's little bottom and holding it. Criminey. It does sort of grow on you though, the funny looking little critter. It's eyes aren't open yet, hardly any ears yet either...but it's soft and fuzzy and it makes tiny little purring noises. Hopefully this fostering thing goes well and it grows up to be a cute little kitten - which will need a home since I'm already up to my backside in cats it seems. Funny, this is pretty much how I ended up with the cats I have now...uh oh!


  1. Oh my goodness! Are you going to keep it? It is cute but what a lot of work! Poor little baby!!

  2. oh I love kittens!!! so cute :)

  3. OK cuteness award of the day!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to put it in my pocket and nurse it! LOL J/K

  4. I can totally relate to that. I fosterd several litters of kittens and doubled my cats! But it is so hard when they are little and helpless not to fall in love with them! And you are doing a great deed :) Since the kitten can't say it, I'll say it for him: THANKS!

  5. Oh my! So tiny!
    Ditto superjaxster. Thank you for taking care of it. (him/her?)
